Monday, 29 November 2010

Research: Magazine Analysis of Empire

The shine of Darth Vader’s helmet has been airbrushed to seem authentically gleaming, this connotes prestige, his mask seems to aspirational, especially with the title Empire above it which relates to the Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back. Underneath Darth Vader’s breathing apparatus is the anchoring text “Behind The Mask...” this is to reference to the behind the scene reviews within the magazine. The connotations of space is nostalgic of the Star Wars series, moreover the similar colors of space and Darth Vader’s make him seen somewhat omniscient and infinite.

Additionally both the cover mounts relate to Darth Vader’s helmet, ‘Breathing Cover” suggest that the front cover could be used, moreover “Behind The Mask” is another cover-mount. Although the font is not particularly distinct as it uses an ariel text; however the title “Empire” is in red which stands out and denotes a contrast to the black of Darth Vader’s helmet, furthermore the connotations of red suggests blood, anger and war all things which run closely with Star Wars’ plot. Also the white of the “Behind the Mask” contrast with Darth’s Vader’s attire, this was probably used to stand out as it is ambiguous more-so because of the ellipsis. Lastly the orange background of the ‘Breathing Cover’ makes it distinct as it is an obvious advert and links to the subtitle above which explains what the Star Wars article and explains that it is limited addition. 

The term “Behind the Mask” suggests that characters can find out more of the mysterious Darth Vader or those who have not seen the film before may want to understand his origins and where he came from. Furthermore the graphics used on Darth Vader make him seem defined within the unknown of space, this is due to the layout which makes him take up at least 90% of the page. The titles and subtitles are belittled by the ever present Darth Vader, this makes it obvious that he is the major attraction of not only the Empire front cover but also the Star Wars series. Although the title “Empire” is the biggest text on the page and its red makes it stand out against the backdrop of Darth Vader, who is the main image of the front cover but also defines the text above which means they are coherent.

The lack of words is similar to Darth Vader as a character more so because the words have a stronger affect because of the lack of text. Being synonymous as a marketing tool is cunning and leaves the audience wanting more, although the puff does contrast all on the page it is lacking compared to other advert clustered Empire front pages such as Hannibal issue. The Unique Selling Point of the magazine is not the text but rather Darth Vader, his presence makes it clear that the magazine will be about Star Wars and the characters within moreover the added bonus of a limited edition makes it more accessible and attractive, this is known as a Skyline. The strap-line is unusually at the bottom of the page and it is used to make the reader more interested, “Behind the Mask” is ambiguous in perspectives such as the character, the series and the magazine and the ellipsis makes this more obvious.