After a extensive amount of research into horror trailers and our audiences of the horror genre, we finally started creating the story board of our film. The basic idea of our trailer is that it's 1 day before the anniversary of a dead college student, who was killed mysteriously. On the day of his anniversary, a group of college students find that they are being specifically targeted by a mysterious figure dressed in a black hooded cloak, who is (for unknown reasons) trying to murder each student.
The first scene is a establishing camera shot of our college from the front, showing to audience's the location of the film. By showing the college, it will hopefully give hints to audiences straight away about the narrative of the film such as characters being college students, etc.
The second scene is of a Chaplin (a place of prayer within the college), where they'll be a long camera shot panning slowly towards a photo in the distance. This form of camera shot will hopefully create a dark sense of atmosphere in the scene, helping build up tension at the beginning of the trailer.

This character is also the antagonist/villain of the film and will later on be seen in a black hooded cloak, though audience's won't be able to tell if it's truly him. This is also information that audience's won't know yet but they'll be hinted that he maybe the villain, due to his mysterious death.
The fourth scene is a jump cut, moving further on in the narrative. The scene will start off with a over the shoulder camera shot of a person receiving a text message, standing in their bedroom. This person is meant to be a student of the college, where our antagonist comes from. His relation to the plot of the film is that he use to bully the antagonist and was involved in his mysterious death. Audience's won't know this information, but they'll know that this character has some kind of relation to the antagonist.
The fifth scene is a close up shot of the (now) bully's phone, where he opens the text message to find a exact image of the photograph in the Chaplin, showing the face of the antagonist. This scene is meant to hint to audiences that the bully is some how connected to the antagonist, hopefully building up more tension and suspense in the trailer.
The Sixth scene is a medium reaction camera shot of the bully, now fully showing his identity to the audience. He will have a shocked reaction due to his surprise of receiving the image, due to the person being dead.
The seventh scene is a jump cut further in the narrative, back to the college. The scene starts with a long camera shot of a student who is a bully of the antagonist, walking into the college's changing rooms after coming back from sports.
The eighth scene is a medium camera shot of the bully now washing his face in the changing room. This scene will create a sense of normality in the atmosphere, only to hint to the audience that something is about to happen in the next scene.
The tenth scene is a medium camera shot of the changing room door, where blood is pouring out. Now, audiences won't know if the bully is actually dead due to how they won't actually see him die but the blood will apply that the bully has been killed by the mysterious figure. Audiences will be left to decide for themselves and how might of the bully died, creating a dark and suspenseful atmosphere in this section of the trailer.
After scene ten, the pace of the trailer will start to quicken, creating a fast pace montage to increase the tension and suspense in the atmosphere.
The eleventh scene is a jump cut further in the narrative, where the location is now outside on the college's walk paths. The scene starts with a long camera shot of the first bully (who received the picture of the antagonist) running away desperately from something. Audience's won't know what the bully is running away from yet, creating more suspense and building up tension in the trailer.
The twelfth scene is a long camera shot panning up to the college's bridge walk way, showcasing the mysterious figure dressed in a black hooded cloak. This scene will link back to the previous one where the first bully was running away, due to him seeing the mysterious figure.
The thirteenth scene jump cuts further into the narrative again. There's now a high angle medium camera shot, showing all the bullies of the antagonist, performing a ritual to try and send the villain back to the afterlife. This scene will give hints to the audience to how might the protagonists try to vanquish the villain.
The fourteenth scene is another jump cut, where there's a long camera shot of a flash light showing the antagonist strangling one of the bullies. The audience won't know who's being strangled, creating more suspense in the trailer for the audience.
The fifteenth scene is a jump cut, where it's a medium camera shot showing the first bully crying and hiding behind a wall from the antagonist.
This is the sixteenth scene (which is the final clip in the trailer), that will be shot in a close up camera angle, showing a bully getting dragged across the floor by an unknown force, screaming for help desperately. This last scene will be placed after the film title and credits, to shock and scare audiences for the final and last time, being the final climax of the whole trailer.